
Generally, a trademark is a word, slogan, logo, design or combination of words, logos, and/or designs that serves to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one party from those of another. Trademarks serve to protect the public from confusion and deception as to the origin and/or quality of goods or services, as well as protect the trademark owner’s reputation associated with the goods or services. Trademark laws achieve these goals by conferring a trademark owner with the right to prevent others from using the mark or a confusingly similar mark for similar and related goods and services.

Proven Expertise Protecting Brands

Savvy companies realize that their brands are vital to their long-term business success. As a result, the number of trademark applications submitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office has exploded in recent years. If you’ve worked to distinguish your company or product from others in the marketplace, a trademark is an essential component for protecting your investment.

Hartman Global’s trademark attorneys have extensive expertise in all aspects of trademark law, and our experience spans a spectrum of industries. We employ our knowledge to protect client brands in the United States and abroad by:

  • Advising on trademark selection, use, and protection
  • Conducting trademark searches
  • Filing trademark registrations
  • Drafting assignment and licensing agreements
  • Enforcing trademarks
  • Conducting trademark opposition and cancellation proceedings before the United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • Negotiating Internet domain name disputes
  • Advising on litigation and recommending resources